Geese on the river

By-Law Enforcement

By-law Complaints

By-law infraction complaints must be submitted in writing with the name and contact information of the complainant. All complainant information will remain confidential.

New! You are now able to submit a complaint through the South Dundas Cloudpermit Portal. In order to do so, you need to provide an address. If you don’t have an address, you will be able to select a location on the map that is closest to the infraction location and provide detailed complaint information.


Complaints may also be submitted in person at the Municipal Office using a by-law complaint form. Please print the form, fill out ALL of the information, and submit to reception. 

By-law Complaint Form

Property Standards

The Property Standards By-Law establishes standards for the maintenance and occupancy of certain buildings and properties, so that owners and occupiers establish and maintain minimum standards for persons who may live at, attend, or otherwise be affected by the condition of buildings and properties. The By-Law applies to all properties within the jurisdiction of the Municipality of South Dundas. 

The By-Law outlines requirements for a variety of property assets such as vacant buildings, exterior walls, damaged buildings, roofs and structural standards. Complaints may be submitted to the South Dundas Building & Planning (By-Law) department. To complete a complaint form, download the PDF below and submit to the Municipal Office. 

Animal Control

The Municipality of South Dundas is changing its service model to better serve our community. The Municipality of South Dundas has entered into an agreement with our municipal partners in Russell Municipality. With a modern animal shelter, Russell Municipality has multiple resources to better service our communities.

If you lose, or find, a dog in the Municipality of South Dundas, please contact the municipal office at 613-543-2673 during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) Monday to Thursday and Friday (8:30 – 12:00pm).

After hours, please contact the Municipality of Russell's Public Safety & Enforcement Department at 613-443-3066 (ext. 8) to pick up a missing dog that is being held by a resident. Please note Russell officers will only respond to dogs being held and will only respond to dog at large complaints if the animal is creating a public safety concern.

Russell Public Safety & Enforcement will care for the animal until they either reunite with their owner or are placed for adoption. Canines brought to the shelter will be held for 72 hours before being placed for adoption.

Dog Regulations & Dogs at Large

The Municipality limits dogs to three (3) per location unless the owner has the appropriate permits for the operation of a kennel, as per the. Dogs must be secured and/or remain on the owner's property or will be subject to the Dogs at Large regulations. Owners are required to renew Dog Tags annually.


Wildlife is a natural part of the South Dundas community in both the rural and settlement areas. There are many ways property owners can reduce the likelihood of wildlife problems such as getting rid of sources of food and shelter on your property and putting out garbage the morning of collection instead of the night before.

The Municipality of South Dundas does not offer a service to deal with nuisance or injured wildlife on private property. Raccoons, skunks, foxes and any other wild animal found on private property should be removed with the assistance of a pest control specialist or a Wildlife Rehabilitator.  

The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) has resources available to help you if wildlife is repeatedly visiting/affecting your property. To find a private local wildlife control service search “wildlife control” or “wildlife removal” on You can also call them at 1-800-667-1940


Parking in South Dundas is regulated in all seasons. From November 15 until April 15 winter parking regulations are in effect. This means vehicles are not permitted to park on Municipal roads between 12:00 am and 7:00 am, unless otherwise stated. Any vehicle that is parked in a manner that interferes with the clearing of snow may be issued a ticket and/or towed at the owner’s expense.

The Municipality also regulates parking along the waterfront. Parking on the green/park space is not permitted. There are overflow parking lots in Morrisburg located at the Legion or Arena. Iroquois visitors may use the Civic Centre and Carman House lots. 

Additionally, camper/sleeper vans are not permitted to park overnight on Municipal or waterfront lots. Violators may be ticketed and/or towed at the owner's expense. 

Other Complaints

For further By-Law complaints, please submit your complaint via the online portal or with a by-law complaint form through our office. Complaints will be reviewed on a priority basis.