South Dundas Public Works is responsible for the maintenance of over 300km of roads and sidewalks, as well as a number of bridges.
Not all roads within South Dundas are maintained by the Municipality, as County roads such as County Rd. 31, County Rd. 2, County Road 16, County Road 1 and County Rd. 28 are maintained by the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry.
Winter Parking Regulations
Parking on all Municipal roads is prohibited between 12:00 am and 7:00 am from November 15 to April 15, unless otherwise stated. (By-laws 2015-30 and 2020-110) Any vehicle that is parked in a manner that interferes with the clearing of snow may be issued a ticket and/or towed at the owner’s expense.
Ice and Snow
It is against the law to push snow onto or across a public roadway or onto another property without authorization of the property owner. Dangerous accumulations of ice and snow are to be removed from a roof where they overhang public roadways, sidewalks or public access areas to buildings.
Municipal Parking Lots
Parking in any Municipally owned parking lot is prohibited between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am year-round.
The Municipality of South Dundas issues the following permits for the use of its road allowances.
- Road Cut Application: for alteration to a Municipal road. $100.00
- Entrance Application: for an entrance off a Municipal road or street. $100.00
- Ditch Fill In Application: to fill in a ditch along a Municipal road or street. $100.00
Application for permits are also available at the Municipal Office. There is a processing fee for each permit. The Municipality will determine whether the request will be permitted and the standards, material and equipment required. All costs relating to the work are the responsibility of the applicant.