Roadside in winter


Municipal Drains

The Municipality of South Dundas has over 300 municipal drains, each one plays an important role in the agricultural community. Most municipal drains are located on private property in rural agricultural areas. Municipal drains within South Dundas are predominantly open ditches, however there are a few cases of closed (tile) systems within the township.

Should you own land where a ditch is situated that you wish to perform maintenance on, contact the Municipality to confirm if it is a Municipal drain or not.

More information. 

For maintenance or repair inquiries on municipal drains please complete the form. (Please use Adobe Reader to fill the form online.) Once completed send the forms to or bring the form to the Municipal Office. 

Municipal Drain Fact Sheet

Tile Drainage Loans

The Municipality of South Dundas offers tile drainage loans to qualified applicants as part of a provincially mandated program. To qualify for a tile drainage loan:

  1. You must be an active farmer.
  2. Amount of loan request cannot exceed 75% of the total cost of the project, up to a maximum of $50,000 per fiscal year.
  3. All work must be carried out in accordance with the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act.
  4. Application must be submitted prior to landowner hiring a tile drain contractor.

Should the applicant be granted a loan, the Drainage Superintendent must report to Council that all work has been satisfactorily completed before any funds are advanced by way of loan.

Council shall levy and collect for the term of ten years, over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the loan is made, a special equal annual rate sufficient to discharge the principal and interest of the loan. To apply, please contact the Drainage Superintendent. 

Contact the South Dundas Drainage Superintendent:
