Iroquois Fire Station

1 Dundas Street, P.O. Box 38 Iroquois, ON K0E 1K0
Morrisburg Fire Station

6 Fifth Street West Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0
Williamsburg Fire Station

4334 Villa Drive Williamsburg, ON K0C 2H0
Community Connect
Share important information regarding your property or occupants, such as vulnerable persons that need assistance to evacuate, the use of a back up generator, contact information, or if you have an electric car that you park in the garage. This helps emergency personnel help YOU.
Firefighter Recruitment
South Dundas Fire & Emergency Services is actively recruiting men and women from across the Municipality to join our service.
Firefighter recruitment package & application (PDF)
Firefighter Job Description
After the Fire
The South Dundas Fire & Emergency Services department has prepared “After the Fire” to assist you and your family the first few days that follow a fire emergency. We hope that you never experience a fire in your lifetime, but if you do, the following information will assist you in your recovery effort.
Click here to view the After the Fire document (PDF)
Public Education
South Dundas Fire and Emergency Services provides you with resources to keep your family fire safe and prepared for emergencies!