Committees of Council provide Council with advice and updates on specifically mandated areas of interest. They are a great way to volunteer and be involved in the community and represent the interests of the residents of South Dundas.
South Dundas is currently actively recruiting volunteers for the following:
- Cemetery Committee
Committees of Council have a term similar to each term of Council. Recruitment occurs shortly after each new term of council or as required. If you're interested in volunteering for a committee at anytime feel free to complete the Volunteer Application and submit it in person at the 34 Ottawa Street or email it to
All Committees of Council use the Committee of Council Handbook as a guide for their activities along with the specific Terms of Reference or scope defined for the committee which can be found below.
2022-2026 Committees of Council
Below is all of the information regarding the current Committees of Council.
The Committee of Adjustment is a Quasi-judicial tribunal appointed by Council which derives its jurisdiction from the Planning Act with a mandate to consider and make decisions on applications for Minor Variances from the provisions of the Zoning By-law.
The COA consists of three (3) citizen members, plus one (1) alternate. Meetings are held on an as-required basis.
Members: Nicole Lowey, Mike Thompson, Mart Prost, Doug Millard (alternate)Council approved the Community Improvement Plan By-law in July 2018.
The CIP is a community initiative that works towards improving existing commercial industry. It Offers business and commercial owners or renters within the designated Community Improvement Areas the opportunity to access funding (grants/loans) to improve their commercial buildings (example: exterior façade, signage, interior renos).The CIP Review Committee is appointed by Council and responsible for review of applications and awarding of grants.
The Court of Revision is an appeal body establish under Section 97 of the Drainage Act. The Act sets out a democratic process for constructing new drains or improving existing drains, with the concept that property owners who benefit from a new/improved drain should pay their share toward the cost of construction.
The COR process involves the preparation of a Drainage Report by the municipality’s drainage engineer which outlines proposed works and affected properties. The Report is considered and provisionally adopted by Council, following which a COR is sent to all affected property owners with meeting particulars. The COR is a hearing whereby appointed member hear any objections to the charges being assessed to property owners outlined in the report. COR members cannot make changes to the technical aspects of the engineer's report, rather only have authority to change the schedule of assessments.
Meetings are held on an as-required basis.
Members: Ron Toonders, Ian Mudde
Dundas County Archives was established in 2016 between North and South Dundas through a Memorandum of Understanding.
The purpose of the Archives is to acquire, preserve and make accessible the historical records of Dundas. The Committee was established with a mandate, mission and is responsible for the development of procedures for governance, policies and agreements.
The Committee includes 4 members of the public, 1 member of the UEL, Mayors and Clerks from both North and South Dundas.Members: Brianne Scott, Darlene Fawcett, Lorraine Reoch, Larry Empey, Milton Koistra
(formerly Economic Development Advisory and Tourism Advisory)
In February 2019, Council established both the Economic Development Advisory Committee and the Tourism Advisory Committee. The purpose and mandate of both Advisory Committees were similarly aligned; being to provide advice for enhancing the economic and further developing the tourism sector within the Municipality.
In December 2022, based on feedback from members of both committees, Council decided to transition to one committee, resulting in the establishment of the Economic & Community Development Committee.
This creates a team approach with a purpose to attract residents, businesses, tourists, training, entertainment, amenities to our community. The members will work with municipal, County, City, organizations and agencies on housing development and strategy and oversee, guide, and make recommendations to Council on all municipal/community events.
Terms of Reference: A draft Terms of Reference will be presented to Council in January 2023 for consideration.
Members: Cindy Ault-Peters, Jeff Poapst, Michelle McMillan, Nathalie Aubry, Ryan Gilmer, Ralph Rick, Meghan Adams
Fence viewers are appointed by Council under the Line Fences Act, to examine land in question and hear submissions from adjoining landowners and their witnesses when neighbours cannot agree on the construction, reconstruction or maintenance of a fence.
The purpose of the Line Fences Act is to provide a procedure for the resolution of line fence disputes. Line fences mark the boundary between properties and are often referred to as boundary or division fences.
The arbitration procedure is applicable to two situations where the owners are unable to reach agreement
- Where no fence currently exists at the boundary between the two properties, and one owner wants a new fence to be constructed to mark the boundary; or
- Where a line fence already exists, and one owner believes that it needs to be reconstructed or repaired.
In such cases, an owner can request that a municipality assign "fence-viewers" to resolve the dispute and issue a decision which is called an "award". The fence-viewers are authorized to only address one or both of the following issues in such situations:
- The appointment of responsibility for fencing work between the two adjoining owners; or
- The description of the fence that is to be constructed or reconstructed on the boundary line, including the materials to be used.
Contact the Municipal Fence Viewer: Ron Toonders, Ian Mudde
Under the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program, and in accordance with the Livestock, Poultry and Honey Bee Protection Act, as amended, the municipal Livestock Evaluators will:
- Carry out a full and impartial investigation within 72 hours of receiving the notification of the injury or death of livestock or poultry;
- Take three to six colour photos per eligible kill/injury incurred and collecting all necessary information to accurately complete the application;
- Municipal investigators are responsible for providing a completed program application to the owner and municipality within seven business days of completing an investigation;
- Territorial investigators are responsible for providing a completed program application to the owner and OMAFRA’s program administrator within seven business days of completing an investigation, as well as any additional evidence from the owner.
Contact the Livestock Evaluator: Bruce Whitteker, Ian Mudde
In 2022, the Municipality completed a Parks and Recreation Master Plan (PRMP) which works as a guiding document and plan for the continued growth of recreation in South Dundas. The report has almost one hundred recommendations of varying scope for the review and implementation in South Dundas. The goal of the committee is to aide staff and provide community input in the implementation of the PRMP. While also reviewing the services currently provided within the Municipal Parks and Recreation operations.
The Parks and Recreation Committee will:
- Review the Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
- Prioritize short-term and long-term goals as outlined within the report and with the support of Council and Staff work to implement the recommendations within the PRMP.
- Represent various age cohorts and skill backgrounds within the Municipality.
- Liaise with existing community groups, recreational clubs, and committees to ensure equal representation across South Dundas.
- All actions must be approved by council via the minutes and action plan before any works are started.
The Municipality’s Property Standards By-law was updated in February 2022.
Section 30.2 of By-law 2022-20 indicates that Council shall appoint a Property Standards Committee for the term of Council. Schedule A of By-law 2022-20 outlines the rules and procedures for the committee.
For 2023, Council will act as the Property Standards Committee with appeals heard in closed session. This allows Council an opportunity to become more familiar with the by-law, analyze complaints and data and defer a decision on appointing public members to a Property Standards Committee to December 2023.
The purpose of the South Branch Committee is to consider, review and make recommendations to Council on applications submitted for moneys available through the South Branch Community Fund.
The Committee will receive and evaluate all applications, ensuring they meet the requirements outlines in the South Branch Community Fund Agreement. Recommended applications will be submitted to Council for final approval.
The Committee, working with staff, will act as a liaison between applications and Council regarding the application process and the delivery and execution of successful applications.
Meetings are held on an as-required basis.
Members: Doreen Henderson, Gerald Whitteker, Janice Froats, Marlene Lewis, Tracey Yalden, Cindy Ault-Peters
NEXT MEETING: October 3, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. Meeting will be held at Matilda Hall.
(formerly Iroquois Waterfront Committee and Morrisburg Waterfront Committee)
The Iroquois and Morrisburg Waterfront Committees have been operating as separate and distinct since 2011. The Terms of Reference were updated and merged in February 2022, as an initial step to bring together the two groups.
In December 2022, based on feedback from members of both committees, Council decided to transition to one committee, resulting in the establishment of the South Dundas Waterfront Committee. This will provide for a standardized approach, it will clarify roles, align with the Parks & Recreation Masterplan yet offer the committee the ability to undertake separate and distinct projects with their respective volunteer groups.
Terms of Reference: An updated Terms of Reference will be presented to Council in January 2023 for consideration
Members: Zachary Anderson, Pierette Racine, Tammy Thom, John Ross, Peggy Gemert, Tim Legate, Bert Marcellus, Keith Robinson, Nancy Waldroff, Nathalie Page, Kelly Lackey
The Municipality of South Dundas envisions Youth Advisory Working Group as a tool to improve youth engagement and wellness in South Dundas. While providing a voice for local youth in municipal matters, operations, and services.
This working group is committed to fostering positive community development through supporting defined objectives, leveraging age-specific expertise, and making optimal use of available resources. Additionally, the members should champion intergenerational and community projects to bridge generational gaps within the community to promote unity. Through these endeavours, the members of this group aim to create an inclusive, educational, and unifying environment where every individual’s voice is valued, therefore fostering a thriving, and connected community.
Examples of tasks that would be completed by the working group include but are not limited too:
- Providing age specific resident and organizational based expertise.
- Provide Council with age specific feedback on municipal operations.
- Organizing events and programs that promote youth wellness.
- Collaboration with municipality for designing youth friendly spaces.
- Collaboration with municipality for programming and accessibility for youth.
- Intergenerational/community projects and initiatives.
- Plan and implement a community health initiative event – duration is determined by group.
Carmen House is a 207-year-old Georgian limestone cottage, built shortly after the War of 1812 by Michael Carman III, the son of a Palatine Loyalist, that has been historically restored to its original form. The Carman House is one of just three buildings in Iroquois that were not moved prior to the historic flooding of the St. Lawrence Seaway and now operates as a living history museum, complete with interpreters to detail the features of both the home, as well as the way of life for United Empire Loyalists.
The Committee will:
- Curate and manage all artifacts and items stored with Museum. While also review and acquire any artifacts as they become available.
- Manage and Assist Staff Resources with the seasonal operations of the Museum during the summer months from Late June to Late August annually. Including, staffing, training, and operations of the Museum.
- Work with the Staff Resources available to ensure that the property remains maintained in a historically accurate manner. While aiding and/or proving recommendations with regards to the maintenance and repair of the Carman House Museum.
- Promote the History of South Dundas through the Carman House Museum and other activities the committee and council approve.
- All actions must be approved by council via the minutes and action plan before any works are started.
- Endeavour to establish best practices in all initiatives.
- Prepare short and long-term plans, including:
- Identification of funding sources and grants;
- An annual budget for operations needs plus repairs and improvements at the Museum
SDG Forestry Coordinator, Phil Duncan
pduncan@sdgcounties.caWeed control complaints can be submitted electronically here.
The Cemetery Committee is established to oversee the management, maintenance, and development of the cemeteries within The Municipality of South Dundas. The committee ensures that cemeteries are maintained in a dignified manner, adhering to legal, environmental, and cultural standards.Objectives
The main objectives of the Cemetery Committee are to:- Ensure proper maintenance and upkeep of the cemetery grounds and facilities.
- Plan for the long-term sustainability and development of the cemetery.
- Provide advice to The Municipality of South Dundas on cemetery-related policies.
- Engage with the community and provide information on cemetery services.
Roles and Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the Cemetery Committee include, but are not limited to:- Policy Development: Recommend policies related to cemetery management, including regulations for plot sales, burials, and maintenance.
- Maintenance Oversight: Ensure regular maintenance, including landscaping, repairs, and facility improvements.
- Financial Oversight: Review and advise on the budget allocated to cemetery operations, including recommendations for fees, fundraising, and grants.
- Community Engagement: Act as a liaison between the cemetery and the community, addressing concerns and sharing information.