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Accountability & Transparency

Reporting Options

Integrity Commissioner

The Municipal Act, 2001 permits Council to appoint an Integrity Commissioner who performs specified functions regarding the application of the Council Code of Conduct (PDF) (the Code) in the Municipality of South Dundas

As of 2019, the Municipality's Integrity Commissioner is Tony Fleming of Cunningham Swan. Mr. Fleming provides advice and counsel to numerous municipalities in eastern Ontario on all aspects of municipal governance, by-law drafting, freedom of information, conflicts of interest, servicing, procurement, strategic planning and media relations.

All elected officials (the Mayor and Councillors) are subject to the Code.


The role of the Integrity Commissioner is to:

  1.  Keep elected officials aware of the requirements of the Code;
  2.  Respond to requests from members of Council for advice regarding their obligations and compliance;
  3.  Conduct investigations into formal complaints received for contraventions of the Code, make decisions and  impose penalties where he finds that the Code has been breached; and,
  4.  Report annually to Council on the activity of the Office.

How to Submit a Complaint

To submit a complaint, please complete the Complaint Review Request Form (PDF).

Frequently Asked Questions