Freight liner on river

Frequently Requested Bylaws

Below are a number of By-Laws that are commonly requested by the public. Should you not find the By-Law you are looking for, please contact the By-Law Enforcement Officer. Please note that all by-laws have been passed and signed by Council. The following By-Laws are for reference uses only. To receive an official copy, please contact the Municipality. 

2023-43 Williamsburg Sewer RatesFees and RatesOpen
2023-45 Chief Administrative Officer AppointmentMiscellaneousOpen
2023-48 Municipal Flag Policy 1-4MiscellaneousOpen
2023-50 Fire Chief AppointmentMiscellaneousOpen
2025-08 Fees and ChargesFees and RatesOpen
Asset Management PolicyMiscellaneousOpen
By-Law 2001-11: Enforcement of the Building Code ActBuildingOpen
By-Law 2002-15: Dog RegulatingAnimal ControlOpen
By-Law 2010-48: ZoningBuilding, MiscellaneousOpen
By-Law 2011-60: Grants & Donations PolicyMiscellaneousOpen
By-Law 2012-51: Tobacco Free PolicyMiscellaneousOpen
By-Law 2015-13: Accessible CommunicationMiscellaneousOpen
By-Law 2015-15: Emergency ManagementFire and EmergencyOpen
By-Law 2015-24: Property Tax CollectionFees and RatesOpen
By-Law 2015-29: Exotic AnimalsAnimal ControlOpen
By-Law 2015-29: Exotic AnimalsMiscellaneousOpen
By-Law 2015-43: Roadside Weed SprayingPublic Works, Highways and RoadsOpen
By-Law 2016-05: Customer FeedbackMiscellaneousOpen
By-Law 2016-20: NuisanceMiscellaneousOpen
By-Law 2016-92: Code of Conduct for the Chief Building Official and Building OfficialsBuildingOpen