June is Parks and Recreation Month! 🥳


This year, Parks and Reaction Ontario has provided resources to help communities appreciate and celebrate Parks and Recreation Month. "June is Recreation and Parks Month" was a movement created to promote the benefits of recreation and parks for all aspects of citizens health. This year's theme is "Community Thrives Here," which celebrates how parks and recreation brings together communities. Along with the main theme, there are also four sub-themes for each week to encourage the community to reflect on the different ways parks and recreation brings them together. For more information, visit June is Recreation and Parks Month (prontario.org)

To celebrate, the Parks and Recreation Team has put together a Parks and Recreation Passport Challenge that encourages residents to travel around South Dundas and appreciate the various parks. It also uses the weekly themes from PRO, which are "Movement," "Guardians," and "Connection" to help raise awareness of different ways parks and recreation can be helpful in everyone's life. 

Below is the Parks and Recreation Passport Challenge as well as a calendar that can be used to track different ways you can use the park.

Passport Challenge

Submit your completed passport to ngeertsema@southdundas.com or drop it off at the Municipal Centre by June 28, 2024 at 4:00pm, to be entered for a chance to win a $50 gift card to a South Dundas business of your choice! One entry per household.

Parks and Recreation Month Calendar