Combine collecting corn

Civic Addressing

Civic Addresses

The Municipality of South Dundas’ Civic Addressing Program is governed by By-Law No. 2022-92.
The Clerk’s Department oversees and coordinates the issuance of civic addresses in collaboration with the Building/Planning and Transportation Departments.

Your Civic Address (or 9-1-1 address) uniquely describes a specific location and is primarily in place to help emergency services locate properties. Addresses are subsequently referenced for mail and other services. Whether you have a permanent or seasonal property and whether or not there is a structure on the property, a civic address may be obtained.

The Municipality is responsible to advise the 9-1-1 Operations Group, Fire, Police, Ambulance Services and the Property Tax Department. The landowner is responsible to advise all others as required. 

There are a variety of different circumstances in which a civic address is assigned by the Municipality:

  • At the time a new lot (severance or subdivision) is established;
  • At the time a building permit is issued for construction of a new structure;
  • Upon request by a property owner of an undeveloped lot (vacant land) or agricultural lands, through the Emily 911 Farm Entrance Program

New Construction

If you are planning to build a new home or structure, the civic address and entrance permit application will be included as part of the Building Permit Process.

Undeveloped Lots (Vacant Land)

If you are the owner of an undeveloped vacant piece of land and are interested in obtaining a civic address for your property, please refer to the information below.

Emily 911 Farm Entrance Program

South Dundas is proud to participate in the Emily 911 Farm Entrance Program. Farm accidents often occur in remote locations. This can make it difficult for first responders to locate the emergency and respond in time.

The project encourages farm owners to apply for a civic address located at the entrances of these rural properties to help first responders locate an emergency as soon as possible.

In the event of an emergency, no one should have to wait helplessly for first responders. Time is everything, and a civic address at the entrance to a farm field could make all the difference. South Dundas encourages agricultural property owners to inquire and apply for the installation of one of these civic addresses.

Maintenance of Civic Address Sign

The civic address number sign, post and blade must be maintained by the owner at all times.

The sign must be properly installed and your property access must be clear for emergency services.

If the post and/or blade subsequently get damaged, it is the responsibility of the property owner to purchase and install, or have installed, a new post and/or blade.

Removing Civic Address signs will affect emergency services and removal of any sign is a serious offence that should be reported to the OPP as well as the Municipality for immediate replacement.