South Dundas mural


Information for Candidates

Information for Third Parties

Third party advertising refers to advertisements or other materials that support, promote or oppose a candidate, or support, promote or oppose a “yes” or “no” answer to a question on the ballot. Third party in this context is a person or entity who is not a candidate.

Third party advertising is separate from any candidate’s campaign and must be done independently from a candidate. Any advertisements or materials that are made and distributed by a candidate, or under a candidate’s direction, are part of the candidate’s campaign.

Third party advertising is a way for those outside of the candidate’s campaign to express support of or opposition to candidates (or a “yes” or “no” answer to a question on the ballot) and to try to persuade voters to vote a certain way.

A third party advertisement is an advertisement in any broadcast, print, electronic or other medium that promotes, supports or opposes a candidate, or a “yes” or “no” answer to a question on the ballot. Advertisement includes traditional ads as well as materials such as brochures or signs.

Information for Voters

Electors in the Municipality of South Dundas will have two voting options in the, by internet or in-person via paper ballot.

A Voter Information Letter will be mailed directly to electors at the end of September/early October 2022, providing a voter with a PIN which will allow individuals to vote 24 hours a day for 8 days, from any telephone or any device connected to the internet or attend one of the pre-established Voting Locations

Compliance Audit Committee

The Municipal Elections Act makes it mandatory for municipalities to establish a Compliance Audit Committee to deal with complaints regarding election campaign financing in relation to candidates and registered third parties for each election, and to consider reports from the Clerk citing apparent instances of over-contributions.